Laundry in Egypt

All hotels and the cruises have laundry/dry cleaning available.
Sample laundry prices IN EGYPTIAN POUNDS (LE) are:

Shirts (collared, short or long sleeve): 9 to 17 LE
Trousers: 12 to 20 LE
Under shorts: 5 to 7 LE
T Shirts: 6 to 13 LE
Socks: 3 to 6 LE
Shorts: 7 to 13 LE

Blouse: 10 to 17 LE
Panties: 5 to 8 LE
Bra: 5 to 8 LE
Slacks: 12 to 22 LE
Dress: 20 to 36 LE
T shirt: 6 to 13 LE
Shorts: 6 to 13 LE Laundry in before 9AM is back at 6PM.

Laundry in after 9AM is back the following day.
Rush laundry is generally available at 50% more cost.
Dry cleaning is available with prices about the same as laundry.
Children's clothes are generally 50% of the adult cost.